Welcome to BASS!

Single Wave Analysis Notebook. This is the basic version.

BASS: Biomedical Analysis Software Suite for event detection and signal processing.
Copyright (C) 2015  Abigail Dobyns

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>


Run the following code block to intialize the program.

In [2]:
from bass import *

BASS ready!

Begin User Input

For help, check out the wiki: Protocol

Or the video tutorial: Coming Soon!

Load Data File

Use the following block to change your settings. You must use this block.

Here are some helpful information about the loading settings:

Settings['folder']= Full File Path for data input: Designate the path to your file to load. It can also be the relative path to the folder where this notebook is stored. This does not include the file itself.

Mac OSX Example: '/Users/MYNAME/Documents/bass'
Microsoft Example: r'C:\\Users\MYNAME\Documents\bass'

Settings['Label']= File name: This is the name of your data file. It should include the file type. This file should NOT have a header and the first column must be time in seconds. Note: This file name will also appear as part of the output files names.


Settings['Output Folder'] = Full File Path for data output: Designate the location of the folder where you would like the folder containing your results to go. If the folder does not exist, then it will be created. A plots folder, called 'plots' will be created inside this folder for you if it does not already exist.

Mac OSX Example: '/Users/MYNAME/Documents/output'
Microsoft Example: r'C:\\Users\MYNAME\Documents\output' 

Loading a file

WARNING All text input should be raw, especially if in Windows.


Other Settings

For more information about other settings, go to:

Transforming Data

Baseline Settings

Peak Detection Settings

Burst Detection Settings

In [3]:
#initialize new file
Data = {}
Settings = {}
Results ={}

#manual Setting block
Settings['folder']= r"/Users/abigaildobyns/Desktop"
Settings['Label'] = r'rat34_ECG.txt'
Settings['Output Folder'] = r"/Users/abigaildobyns/Desktop/demo"

#transformation Settings
Settings['Absolute Value'] = True #Must be True if Savitzky-Golay is being used

Settings['Bandpass Highcut'] = r'none' #in Hz
Settings['Bandpass Lowcut'] = r'none' #in Hz
Settings['Bandpass Polynomial'] = r'none' #integer

Settings['Linear Fit'] = False #between 0 and 1 on the whole time series
Settings['Linear Fit-Rolling R'] = 0.75 #between 0 and 1
Settings['Linear Fit-Rolling Window'] = 1000 #window for rolling mean for fit, unit is index not time
Settings['Relative Baseline'] = 0 #default 0, unless data is normalized, then 1.0. Can be any float

Settings['Savitzky-Golay Polynomial'] = 4 #integer
Settings['Savitzky-Golay Window Size'] = 251 #must be odd. units are index not time

#Baseline Settings
Settings['Baseline Type'] = r'static' #'linear', 'rolling', or 'static'
#For Linear
Settings['Baseline Start'] = 0.0 #start time in seconds
Settings['Baseline Stop'] = 1.0 #end time in seconds
#For Rolling
Settings['Rolling Baseline Window'] = r'none' #leave as 'none' if linear or static

Settings['Delta'] = 0.25
Settings['Peak Minimum'] = -1 #amplitude value
Settings['Peak Maximum'] = 1 #amplitude value

Settings['Burst Area'] = False #calculate burst area
Settings['Exclude Edges'] = True #False to keep edges, True to discard them
Settings['Inter-event interval minimum (seconds)'] = 0.0100 #only for bursts, not for peaks
Settings['Maximum Burst Duration (s)'] = 10 
Settings['Minimum Burst Duration (s)'] = 0
Settings['Minimum Peak Number'] = 1 #minimum number of peaks/burst, integer
Settings['Threshold']= 0.15 #linear: proportion of baseline. 
                           #static: literal value.
                           #rolling, linear ammount grater than rolling baseline at each time point.

Settings['Generate Graphs'] = False #create and save the fancy graph outputs

#Settings that you should not change unless you are a super advanced user:
#These are settings that are still in development
Settings['Graph LCpro events'] = False
Settings['File Type'] = r'Plain' #'LCPro', 'ImageJ', 'SIMA', 'Plain', 'Morgan'
Settings['Milliseconds'] = False

Load Settings from previous analysis

Must be a previously outputed BASS settings file, although the name can be changed. Expected format is '.csv'. Enter the full file path and name.

Mac OSX Example: '/Users/MYNAME/Documents/bass_settings.csv'
Microsoft Example: 'C:\\Users\MYNAME\Documents\bass_settings.csv'

See above instructions for how to load your data file.

In [ ]:
#Load in a Settings File
#initialize new file
Data = {}
Settings = {}
Results ={}

#manual Setting block
Settings['folder']= r"/Users/abigaildobyns/Desktop"
Settings['Label'] = r'rat34_ECG.txt'
Settings['Output Folder'] = r"/Users/abigaildobyns/Desktop/demo"

#Load a Settings file
Settings['Settings File'] = r'/Users/abigaildobyns/Desktop/rat34_Settings.csv'

##Settings that you should not change unless you are a super advanced user:
#These are settings that are still in development
Settings['File Type'] = r'Plain' #'LCPro', 'ImageJ', 'SIMA', 'Plain', 'Morgan'
Settings['Milliseconds'] = False

Settings = load_settings(Settings)

In [4]:
Data, Settings, Results = analyze(Data, Settings, Results)

Made plots folder
Data Loaded
Sampling Rate= 0.00025 (sec/frame)
rat34_ECG.txt is 606.94975 seconds long.
Transformation completed
Baseline set completed
Peak Detection completed
Burst Detection completed
Analysis Complete:  8.0398  Seconds

Data Column Names/Keys

Available Measurements from Peaks for further analysis:
Peaks Amplitude

Available Measurements from Bursts for further analysis:
Burst Start
Burst End
Burst Duration
Edge Event
Interburst Interval
Total Cycle Time
Peaks per Burst
Peak Amp
Peak Time
Intraburst Frequency

|Event Detection Complete!|

Display Event Detection Tables

Display Settings used for analysis

In [ ]:

Display Summary Results for Peaks

In [5]:
#grouped summary for peaks

Peaks Amplitude Intervals
Mean1 count 3224.000000 3223.000000
mean 0.514326 0.188253
std 0.047384 0.007427
min 0.403260 0.170000
25% 0.468488 0.183250
50% 0.526320 0.188500
75% 0.550066 0.194250
max 0.633748 0.202500

Display Summary Results for Bursts

In [6]:
#grouped summary for bursts

Burst Start Burst End Burst Duration Edge Event Interburst Interval Total Cycle Time Peaks per Burst Peak Amp Peak Time Attack Decay Intraburst Frequency
Mean1 count 3224.000000 3224.000000 3224.000000 3224 3223.000000 3223.000000 3224 3224.000000 3224.000000 3224.000000 3224.000000 3224.000000
mean 297.234606 297.264828 0.030222 0 0.158032 0.188253 1 0.514326 297.249564 0.014957 0.015265 33.165306
std 176.070115 176.070941 0.001450 0 0.006746 0.007453 0 0.047384 176.070538 0.000890 0.000722 1.604423
min 0.120250 0.148250 0.026500 False 0.142000 0.170000 1 0.403260 0.134250 0.013250 0.013250 29.850746
25% 143.869000 143.897875 0.029250 0 0.154000 0.183000 1 0.468488 143.883188 0.014250 0.014750 32.000000
50% 293.386625 293.416750 0.030250 0 0.157750 0.188500 1 0.526320 293.401375 0.014750 0.015250 33.057851
75% 449.120875 449.153063 0.031250 0 0.162750 0.194250 1 0.550066 449.137187 0.015500 0.015750 34.188034
max 606.860500 606.893000 0.033500 False 0.171750 0.202000 1 0.633748 606.875000 0.017250 0.018000 37.735849

Interactive Graphs

Line Graphs

One pannel, detected events

Plot one time series by calling it's name

In [ ]:
#Interactive, single time series by Key
key = 'Mean1'
graph_ts(Data, Settings, Results, key)

Two pannel

Create line plots of the raw data as well as the data analysis.

Plots are saved by clicking the save button in the pop-up window with your graph.

key = 'Mean1'
start =100 
end= 101

Results Line Plot

In [ ]:
key = 'Mean1'
start =100 #start time in seconds
end= 101#end time in seconds
results_timeseries_plot(key, start, end, Data, Settings, Results)


Display the Autocorrelation plot of your transformed data.

Choose the start and end time in seconds. to capture whole time series, use end = -1. May be slow

key = 'Mean1'
start = 0 
end = 10

Autocorrelation Plot

In [ ]:
key = 'Mean1'
start = 0 #seconds, where you want the slice to begin
end = 1 #seconds, where you want the slice to end.

Raster Plot

Shows the temporal relationship of peaks in each column. Auto scales. Display only. Intended for more than one column of data

In [ ]:
raster(Data, Results)

Frequency Plot

Use this block to plot changes of any measurement over time. Does not support 'all'. Example:

event_type = 'Peaks'
meas = 'Intervals'
key = 'Mean1'

Frequency Plot

In [ ]:
event_type = 'Peaks'
meas = 'Intervals'
key = 'Mean1' #'Mean1' default for single wave
frequency_plot(event_type, meas, key, Data, Settings, Results)

Analyze Events by Measurement

Generates a line plot with error bars for a given event measurement. X axis is the names of each time series. Display Only. Intended for more than one column of data. This is not a box and whiskers plot.

event_type = 'peaks'
meas = 'Peaks Amplitude'

Analyze Events by Measurement

In [ ]:
#Get average plots, display only
event_type = 'peaks'
meas = 'Peaks Amplitude'
average_measurement_plot(event_type, meas,Results)

Poincare Plots

Create a Poincare Plot of your favorite varible. Choose an event type (Peaks or Bursts), measurement type. Calling meas = 'All' is supported.

Plots and tables are saved automatically


event_type = 'Bursts'
meas = 'Burst Duration'

More on Poincare Plots

Batch Poincare

Batch Poincare

In [ ]:
event_type = 'Peaks'
meas = 'all'
Results = poincare_batch(event_type, meas, Data, Settings, Results)
pd.concat({'SD1':Results['Poincare SD1'],'SD2':Results['Poincare SD2']})

Quick Poincare Plot

Quickly call one poincare plot for display. Plot and Table are not saved automatically. Choose an event type (Peaks or Bursts), measurement type, and key. Calling meas = 'All' is not supported.

Quick Poincare

In [ ]:
event_type = 'Bursts'
meas = 'Burst Duration'
key = 'Mean1'

Power Spectral Density

The following blocks allows you to asses the power of event measuments in the frequency domain. While you can call this block on any event measurement, it is intended to be used on interval data (or at least data with units in seconds). Reccomended:

event_type = 'Bursts'
meas = 'Total Cycle Time'
key = 'Mean1'
scale = 'raw'

event_type = 'Peaks'
meas = 'Intervals'
key = 'Mean1'
scale = 'raw'

Because this data is in the frequency domain, we must interpolate it in order to perform a FFT on it. Does not support 'all'.

Power Spectral Density: Events


Use the code block below to specify your settings for event measurment PSD.

In [ ]:
Settings['PSD-Event'] = Series(index = ['Hz','ULF', 'VLF', 'LF','HF','dx'])
#Set PSD ranges for power in band

Settings['PSD-Event']['hz'] = 4.0 #freqency that the interpolation and PSD are performed with.
Settings['PSD-Event']['ULF'] = 0.03 #max of the range of the ultra low freq band. range is 0:ulf
Settings['PSD-Event']['VLF'] = 0.05 #max of the range of the very low freq band. range is ulf:vlf
Settings['PSD-Event']['LF'] = 0.15 #max of the range of the low freq band. range is vlf:lf
Settings['PSD-Event']['HF'] = 0.4 #max of the range of the high freq band. range is lf:hf. hf can be no more than (hz/2)
Settings['PSD-Event']['dx'] = 10 #segmentation for the area under the curve.

In [ ]:
event_type = 'Peaks'
meas = 'Intervals'
key = 'Mean1'
scale = 'raw'
Results = psd_event(event_type, meas, key, scale, Data, Settings, Results)

Time Series

Use the settings code block to set your frequency bands to calculate area under the curve. This block is not required. band output is always in raw power, even if the graph scale is dB/Hz.

Power Spectral Density: Signal

In [ ]:
Settings['PSD-Signal'] = Series(index = ['ULF', 'VLF', 'LF','HF','dx'])

#Set PSD ranges for power in band
Settings['PSD-Signal']['ULF'] = 25 #max of the range of the ultra low freq band. range is 0:ulf
Settings['PSD-Signal']['VLF'] = 75 #max of the range of the very low freq band. range is ulf:vlf
Settings['PSD-Signal']['LF'] = 150 #max of the range of the low freq band. range is vlf:lf
Settings['PSD-Signal']['HF'] = 300 #max of the range of the high freq band. range is lf:hf. hf can be no more than (hz/2) where hz is the sampling frequency
Settings['PSD-Signal']['dx'] = 2 #segmentation for integration of the area under the curve.

Use the block below to generate the PSD graph and power in bands results (if selected). scale toggles which units to use for the graph:

raw = s^2/Hz
db = dB/Hz = 10*log10(s^2/Hz)

Graph and table are automatically saved in the PSD-Signal subfolder.

In [ ]:
scale = 'raw' #raw or db
Results = psd_signal(version = 'original', key = 'Mean1', scale = scale, 
                     Data = Data, Settings = Settings, Results = Results)


Use the block below to get the spectrogram of the signal. The frequency (y-axis) scales automatically to only show 'active' frequencies. This can take some time to run.

version = 'original'
key = 'Mean1'

After transformation is run, you can call version = 'trans'. This graph is not automatically saved.


In [ ]:
version = 'original'
key = 'Mean1'
spectogram(version, key, Data, Settings, Results)

Descriptive Statistics

Moving/Sliding Averages, Standard Deviation, and Count

Generates the moving mean, standard deviation, and count for a given measurement across all columns of the Data in the form of a DataFrame (displayed as a table). Saves out the dataframes of these three results automatically with the window size in the name as a .csv. If meas == 'All', then the function will loop and produce these tables for all measurements.

event_type = 'Peaks'
meas = 'all'
window = 30

Moving Stats

In [ ]:
#Moving Stats
event_type = 'Peaks'
meas = 'all'
window = 30 #seconds
Results = moving_statistics(event_type, meas, window, Data, Settings, Results)


Histogram Entropy

Calculates the histogram entropy of a measurement for each column of data. Also saves the histogram of each. If meas is set to 'all', then all available measurements from the event_type chosen will be calculated iteratevely.

If all of the samples fall in one bin regardless of the bin size, it means we have the most predictable sitution and the entropy is 0. If we have uniformly dist function, the max entropy will be 1

event_type = 'Bursts'
meas = 'all'

Histogram Entropy

In [ ]:
#Histogram Entropy
event_type = 'Bursts'
meas = 'all'
Results = histent_wrapper(event_type, meas, Data, Settings, Results)
Results['Histogram Entropy']

Approximate entropy

this only runs if you have pyeeg.py in the same folder as this notebook and bass.py. WARNING: THIS FUNCTION RUNS SLOWLY

run the below code to get the approximate entropy of any measurement or raw signal. Returns the entropy of the entire results array (no windowing). I am using the following M and R values:

M = 2  
R = 0.2*std(measurement)

these values can be modified in the source code. alternatively, you can call ap_entropy directly. supports 'all'

Interpretation: A time series containing many repetitive patterns has a relatively small ApEn; a less predictable process has a higher ApEn.

Approximate Entropy in BASS

Aproximate Entropy Source


In [ ]:
#Approximate Entropy
event_type = 'Peaks'
meas = 'all'
Results = ap_entropy_wrapper(event_type, meas, Data, Settings, Results)
Results['Approximate Entropy']

Time Series

In [ ]:
#Approximate Entropy on raw signal
#takes a VERY long time
from pyeeg import ap_entropy

version = 'original' #original, trans, shift, or rolling
key = 'Mean1' #Mean1 default key for one time series
start = 0 #seconds, where you want the slice to begin
end = 1 #seconds, where you want the slice to end. The absolute end is -1

ap_entropy(Data[version][key][start:end].tolist(), 2, (0.2*np.std(Data[version][key][start:end])))

Sample Entropy

this only runs if you have pyeeg.py in the same folder as this notebook and bass.py. WARNING: THIS FUNCTION RUNS SLOWLY

run the below code to get the sample entropy of any measurement. Returns the entropy of the entire results array (no windowing). I am using the following M and R values:

M = 2  
R = 0.2*std(measurement)

these values can be modified in the source code. alternatively, you can call samp_entropy directly. Supports 'all'

Sample Entropy in BASS

Sample Entropy Source


In [ ]:
#Sample Entropy
event_type = 'Bursts'
meas = 'all'
Results = samp_entropy_wrapper(event_type, meas, Data, Settings, Results)
Results['Sample Entropy']

Time Series

In [ ]:
#on raw signal
#takes a VERY long time
version = 'original' #original, trans, shift, or rolling
key = 'Mean1' #Mean1 default key for one time series
start = 0 #seconds, where you want the slice to begin
end = 1 #seconds, where you want the slice to end. The absolute end is -1

samp_entropy(Data[version][key][start:end].tolist(), 2, (0.2*np.std(Data[version][key][start:end])))

Helpful Stuff

While not completely up to date with some of the new changes, the Wiki can be useful if you have questions about some of the settings: https://github.com/drcgw/SWAN/wiki/Tutorial

More Help?

Stuck on a particular step or function? Try typing the function name followed by two ??. This will pop up the docstring and source code. You can also call help() to have the notebook print the doc string.


In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Blank Code Block

you're still here, reading? you must be a dedicated super user!

If that is the case, then you must know how to code in Python. Use this space to get crazy with your own advanced analysis and stuff.

Blank Code Block

In [ ]: